My Blog

Surgery, Doubt, Faith, and Healing

Surgery, Doubt, Faith, and Healing

When someone is having surgery, it’s important to understand why. The reason why someone chooses to have surgery informs so much: namely, what they’ve experienced leading up to the surgery and what they hope to accomplish by having the procedure done. For me, I can narrow my “why” down to one word: hiking.

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Take the Work Out of Working Out

Take the Work Out of Working Out

Exercise seems to be one of those things people either do, or they don’t. Some make it a habit and keep it going for a long time – maybe a lifetime. Others, not so much. If engaging in regular physical activity has been a challenge for you, don’t worry – you’re not alone. But there’s always a way to overcome any challenge, and overcoming this one may not be as hard as you think.

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