Mental Domain

Emotions and Intellect

Physical Domain

Activity, Nutrition, Rest & Environment

Spiritual Domain


Social Domain

Relationships, Occupation & Finances

The Mental Domain

The mental domain includes both emotional and intellectual wellness. These two dimensions have similarities and are intertwined, but there are differences that distinguish the two.

Emotional wellness includes the ability to recognize, understand, and effectively manage your emotions. Emotional wellness is dynamic and diffusive – fluctuating frequently with the other domains of wellness.

The intellectual dimension of mental wellness involves the understanding and processing of experiences and making reasoned decisions based on one’s abilities and resources.

Mental wellness that is based on balanced emotional and intellectual health allows you to:

  • experience positivity and express optimism
  • develop resiliency
  • maintain self-esteem and self-acceptance
  • have the ability to share feelings
  • be able to love and be loved
  • achieve a sense of fulfillment in your life

Additionally, intellectual wellness includes being open to new ideas and experiences and seeking out creative and stimulating mental activities. Our minds need to be exercised and challenged just as much as our bodies do! Intellectually healthy people continue to expand their knowledge and improve skills throughout their lifetime.

Things you can do to support mental wellness:


  • Share your feelings with someone you trust
  • Seek professional help if needed
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation
  • Practice stress management techniques
  • Regularly perform self-care
  • Be a lifelong learner