You can only change your life one day at a time…Today is the day…Now is the time!

Life is a matter of choice – choose Well!

Live your best life…as well as possible, for as long as possible!

Do you want to be Well Overall?

If your answer is yes…then you have come to the right place!

Hello! My name Becky Stevens and I am an integrative health and wellness coach.

I help women and men – of all ages and all stages – attain, regain, and maintain optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being so that they can enjoy good health, optimal wellness and live life to the fullest!

I specialize in coaching individuals to prepare for surgery – empowering them to overcome anxiety, fear, and worry; heal faster; experience fewer side effects; and optimize their health both before surgery and during their recovery after.

I have over twenty-six years of experience as a nurse, board certification in holistic nursing, and am a certified yoga instructor. I have been an advanced practice nurse in anesthesia (CRNA) for sixteen years. I have national board certification in health and wellness coaching and nurse coaching.

Discovering that you need to have surgery can be a frightening and intimidating experience. Even having an elective procedure can elicit feelings of fear, worry, anxiety, and a sense of the loss of control.

Your surgeon and hospital or surgery center will give you instructions on how to prepare yourself for your procedure, but they probably won’t have the time to give you the personalized and focused attention that coaching can provide. Integrative health and wellness coaching is a client-centered, solution-based process that focuses on helping you identify your needs, choose your goals, and achieve those goals. By using an integrative approach based on holistic principles, you will be empowered to access and activate the innate healing capacity that lies within you.

About Integrative Wellness

Integrative wellness is the full integration of four lifestyle domains – Mental, Physical, Spiritual, and Social.

Each domain affects the others in complex and unique interactions. Neglecting any one area can have negative consequences on your overall wellness.

Take a look at each domain to learn more about what constitutes well-being and how you can address holistic wellness – improving both the quality and quantity of your whole life.

Emotions & Intellect

Activity, Nutrition, Rest & Environment


Relationships, Occupation & Finances

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