Physical Domain

Activity, Nutrition, Rest, and Environment

Mental Domain

Emotions and Intellect

Spiritual Domain


Social Domain

Relationships, Occupation & Finances

The Physical Domain

The Physical Domain includes multiple dimensions that are crucial to health and well-being.

Regular movement or activity, proper nutrition, and adequate rest all have a direct impact on physical as well as mental wellness. 

The benefits of physical activity alone are tremendous, including:

  • Managing metabolism and weight
  • Reducing risk of chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity
  • Maintaining strength, stamina and balance
  • Reducing depression and anxiety
  • Reducing and managing stress
  • Improving and maintaining physical appearance
  • Reducing risk of dementia
  • Preventing bone loss

Nutrition has an immense impact on both physical and mental health as well. Good nutrition is not just about the calories food contains. Your body relies on a multitude of nutrients that food supplies in order to sustain every organ and system in your body. A healthy diet supplies your body with the building blocks necessary for the proper development and maintenance it needs to sustain itself and thrive. This includes adequate hydration.

Adequate rest may be the most overlooked and undervalued of all the physical dimensions of health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that many Americans are not getting adequate rest or sleep. Sleep is important for proper brain function, emotional well-being, reduced risk of many chronic diseases, cognitive and physical performance, and safety.

Physical wellness also depends on behaviors such as avoiding or treating substance abuse, getting regular check-ups, and practicing safety habits such as wearing a seat belt to protect yourself from injury or harm.

Lastly, environmental wellness is included in the physical domain in order to emphasize the inextricable connection between the wellness of the earth and the wellness of all human beings who depend on the health and well-being of this planet for continued sustenance and survival.

Things you can do to support physical wellness:

  • Get at least thirty minutes a day of physical activity
  • Include a variety of physical activities and sports in your everyday routine
  • Eat a diet rich in nutrient-dense whole foods
  • Limit or eliminate processed foods
  • Get adequate hydration daily
  • Get 6-8 hours of sleep every night
  • Develop a routine before bedtime that induces restfulness
  • Limit alcohol and recreational drug use
  • Seek help for substance abuse if needed
  • Get annual physicals and follow health screening guidelines
  • Wear safety equipment such as seat belts, helmets, and reflective gear
  • Recycle, reduce consumption, and reuse materials
  • Enjoy nature