Social Domain

Relationships, Occupation, and Finances

Mental Domain

Emotions and Intellect

Physical Domain

Activity, Nutrition, Rest & Environment

Spiritual Domain


The Social Domain

Community, connection, meaning, personal fulfillment, and security are all significant aspects of well-being that are addressed within the social domain. This domain encompasses the dimensions of relationships, occupation, and finances. 

The ability to build and maintain healthy relationships – at home, work, and in the community – supports a sense of belonging, adds value to your life as well as the lives of others, and is important to developing resiliency and combating stress. Effective communication skills and the ability to develop intimacy will help you create a strong support network. Just remember that the quality of your relationships is more important than the quantity. Healthy and meaningful relationships take both time and effort to develop and sustain.

Finding fulfillment in your work and career is a leading factor of well-being – especially considering that you likely spend over one-third of your waking hours at your job or the workplace. Occupational wellness is also about maintaining work-life balance, making use of your skills and talents, and the ability to experience satisfaction, pleasure, and derive meaning from the work that you do. Conversely, preparing for retirement includes finding fulfillment outside of work so that you can enjoy these years to the fullest.

Finally, financial wellness is an aspect of wellness that may be easily overlooked, but can have a tremendous impact on your health and sense of well-being. Financial wellness means having a sense of security that you can meet your financial obligations as well as having the freedom to make choices that contribute to overall enjoyment and satisfaction.

Things you can do to support social wellness:

  • Cultivate healthy relationships
  • Invest time in your relationships
  • Maintain healthy boundaries with family, friends, and others
  • Continue to explore ways to expand your career or learn new skills
  • Develop a variety of hobbies and interests outside of work
  • Live within your means
  • Create a budget and track spending
  • Create a financial plan with your significant other